The peace poets are writing a book. These days I write from Buenos Aires but Abe, Frank, Ram and E are here with me. They are the mirror which this author uses to criticize and counter and challenge his the importance of his words. Are these the stories that represents our struggle? Is this the poetry that the people need to hear so they can work harder or smile easier? Tell me brothers. My knowledge of them, of us, is enough. I read their answers in my memories of who we are. So day in and day out, I open up the soul’s notebook to decipher what inspires us to rebel. Rebel against violence and apathy and laziness and racism and ignorance and silence. As I write the code is becoming clear. The simple subtitles to it all. Peace makers are made by a world at war, but we must be more than a response, more than rebels. We must be doctors that heal and poets that paint something new. Something never before imagined in this way at this moment. And this new thing becomes the path and each step is a victory.
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